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You will not be charged for this purchase, but if you choose to make an optional purchase later, this card info will be used to complete that transaction!


Important note - I do not do predictions! So, NO lotto numbers or whether or not you’re going to find your partner, have a baby or land the dream job. 

All bookings are final, no refunds are given if you don’t like what you hear. Much like you don’t ask for a refund if your horoscope doesn’t resonate it’s the same with me x
i know things

I know things - group reading

I don’t feel comfortable with the word psychic or voice channel, yet I know things! 

Want to know things? Book this group reading and hear me do my thing.

Fair warning, sometimes I sing, so prepare your ears accordingly!

How it works

Each Monday morning (Sydney, Australia time) I tune in and record an audio message of whatever comes up for the group who has booked this session. 

Usually, these messages are around 20 minutes. 

You will be sent the recording to download and keep. 

There may be

Oracle cards


Songs (yes I may sing or just suggest a song) 

Journal prompts 

Energy healings

I make no promises of what will be included, it totally depends on what I’m guided to.
  • Total payment
  • 1xI know things group reading$10

All prices in AUD

Once payment has been made you’ll receive your reading via email on the Monday following your payment (so there is no need to book a time, you will receive your reading via email).  

This payment is for ONE session, if you would like to receive the next week's recording you can come back here and sign up again.  

Each week there is a NEW recording, based on what comes through that week, so the messages are recorded fresh every Monday and not recycled. 

This is a group reading, if you prefer an individual reading these are available, head to my website for details. 
